Become a Member

TransEstrie is an independent community organization and a registered charity. Its mission is to support, assist, and advocate for trans, non-binary, and questioning individuals in the Estrie region, as well as their families and loved ones.

Becoming a member of TransEstrie allows you to support your organization in fulfilling its mission, stay informed about upcoming activities, and actively participate in its democratic life by exercising decision-making power during meetings or by becoming a volunteer.

Membership also provides you with exclusive benefits, including:

  • Access to the library’s collection with borrowing privileges;
  • Access to the voluntary contribution system for the Gender Affirmation Items Distribution Resource (RDAAG);
  • Priority access to the thrift shop before its public opening;
  • Member-only activities;
  • Voting rights at general meetings;
  • Eligibility to run for a position on the Board of Directors.

* RDAAG: ressource de distribution d’articles d’affirmation du genre

Membership Form

To become a TransEstrie member, fill out the form below. This membership is valid until our next General Assembly.